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Cleaning Bioreactors

Q. How can I clean bioreactors and do you have any SOPs you can offer.
A. Liquinox is typically used for cleaning bioreactors. A 1% solution of Liquinox (1.25 oz/gal or 10 mL/L) is used to soak and scrub the bioreactor. Learn More.

High Purity Cleaner for Nuclear Stainless Steel

Stainless steel used in nuclear power related applications must be cleaned with cleaners that contain no trace contaminants that can potentially harm the very long term integrity of the stainless steel. No trace agents that could potentially cause hydrogen embrittlement or stress cracking can be tolerated.

How to: Remove Radioisotopes

Learn how to remove radioisotopes with Alconox for both heavy metal and radiolabeled carbon or nitrogen.


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