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Fiber Optics Cleaning

Q. Can you recommend a cleaner appropriate for fiber optics?
A. To clean fiber optic components using ultrasonic tanks, use a warm (45 deg C) 1% Liquinox solution followed by a thorough high purity water rinse (distilled, deionized or best of all, reverse osmosis water).

Using Liquinox as Optical Cleaner

Q. We have some problems about coloring and exfoliation of partly chromate conversion applied surface. We are trying to find a solution. Is it possible to use Liquinox to clean alodine applied parts or not? Click for the answer . . .

Removing Latex from Optical Cuvette

Q: How do I remove latex particles from an optical cuvette.
A: We recommend you use a warm 1% Alconox detergent followed by a warm water rinse to clean the optical cuvettes.

Lens Cleaning During Manufacturing

Q. How do you clean optical lenses during manufacturing? A. To clean optical lenses, typically you use warm (120 deg F or 50 deg C) solutions of 1% Liquinox in an ultrasonic bath followed by a thorough rinse.


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