Q: What Alconox Inc. products are listed and FDA registered detergents? A: All Alconox Inc. detergents are Class I Medical Devices and listed as FDA registered detergents. The list of the detergents are found on the FDA website with FDA Registration number 2410887.
Q: We are now using an automated pipette washer and am instructed to use a low foaming detergent. What do you recommend? What about a pre-soak? A: Traditional siphon pipette washers have relied on Alcotabs® Tablet Pipet Detergent for decades. Some of the contemporary ones look to save time, water or increase efficiency. When such a washer requires a low foaming detergent….
Q: Which of your detergents would be recommend to wash glassware used to clean Fecal MPN test tubes in a lab washer. Does it have an Inhibitory Residue Test? A: The borosilicate glass test tubes typically used in fecal Most Probable Number (MPN) assays need to be reliably clean each and every time….
Q. Currently using Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) to remove residual Manganese Oxide (MnO2)from glassware. Following ASTM D1721 instructions. Do you offer a cleaner that could do the same job and assist in replacing HCL and remove the MnO2?
A. Yes. Use a 2% Citranox (2.5 oz/gal or 20 mL/L) solution followed by a thorough rinse to remove Manganese Oxide from glassware. The mild organic acid chelating agents will remove MnO2 more safely than hydrochloric acid.
Learn the proper way to make a 1% detergent solution by following these four simple steps. To make a 2% detergent solution, simply double up the amount! Alconox Inc. aqueous detergents are sold in concentrate. To use, dilute according to package instructions. Most Alconox Inc. products require only a 1-2% dilution for optimal use.
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