Q: We have insect and proteinaceous residues we are looking to remove from an aluminum drum. We know Tergazyme is the “go-to” for such things but we seem to get aluminum chelate blush. Can you recommend something different?
A: A chelate blush is a white crusty irregular deposit of aluminum edetate, a reaction between the aluminum and the chelating agent in some Alconox Inc. detergents. You are totally correct to try a protean enzymatic detergent.
Q: Looking to implement an auto dispenser for our Alconox, and it is a little bit of a struggle. Are you aware of any test equipment, or alternative methods of measuring which may be able to continuously measure the pH/conductivity at…
Q: We are currently using Alconox powder. What recommendations are there to remove Hydrated Aluminum Oxide – Al(OH)3 from aluminum?
A: Cleaning hydrated aluminum oxide, or aluminum hydroxide, is not the best of jobs for an emulsifying alkaline cleaner like Alconox powdered detergent.
Q: An industry colleague mentioned to that Liquinox can be used for replacing mold release for demolding purposes. Can we do that?
A: Liquinox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent has been used for many decades for its lubrication properties. Not just its powerful emulsifying and general cleaning characteristics. Anyone who has worked with it is well aware of its lubricity…..
Q. We need to clean 3D printed plastic parts made of methacrylate. We need to make sure it’s safe for the plastic, but also ensures all crevices are residue free for critically clean parts.
A. Particulates and other residue, including environmental residues, can be effectively cleaned using a….
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