We are looking for a laboratory dishwasher detergent that does not contain perchlorates. One of our end users analyzes for trace levels of perchlorates, so we cannot have a detergent that has that type of impurities.
Q. What can be used to manually clean salicylic acid lotions, creams, emulsions from manufacturing equipment?
A. In general salicylic acid is best cleaned by sodium phosphate or alkali citrate salt containing cleaners. Lotions and creams are often best cleaned by high alkaline cleaners.
Q. Specifications indicate that “Solujet is inhibited for Aluminum. Corrosion testing is advisable.” What does this mean?
A. Solujet contains sodium metasilicate which acts as a corrosion inhibitor to stop alkaline attack on aluminum. Solujet would not cause alkaline attack on aluminum as long as the bath is not overused and the metasilicate depleted. Learn more.
Q. I am getting foaming and poor finger print removal I have examined Detergent 8 and Liquinox. Do you have other suggestions? A. Both Liquinox and Detergent 8 can effectively remove fingerprint residues. Unless you otherwise have a need for an ion-free detergent because you are cleaning off electronic or semiconductor ion sensitive substrates, I would recommend using…
Q. What detergents and recommended dosing should I use in my labware washer? A. For use in a typical small, under counter laboratory glassware washer…
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