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Published: January 3, 2019

Q. We have consulted your continuous exposure compatibility information that was sent to us for one of your detergents on various materials. We were wondering about the details of conditions used in formulating this documented info, such as temperature, detergent concentration, and period of time in which these observations were made.

A. It is important to keep in mind that these documents are created for guidance and reference purposes.  They are based on our vast critical cleaning experience in laboratory and manufacturing settings, for both manual and Clean-In-Place (CIP) detergent cleaning.  Additionally, expert literature has been consulted as well.  For example:

Our compatibility ratings are designed to provide guidance, as not all applications, conditions, instruments and setups can be accounted for.

Our ratings/observations are made at standard usage (meaning 1-2%, occasionally higher) concentrations and at typical operating conditions (pressure, temperatures, flow rates, etc).   We recognize, recommend and understand our detergents can and are often used at high temperatures.  Sometimes up to 80°C or higher in certain cases. 

Conditions for “continuous exposure” will mean repeated cleanings and/or extended soak times of several days or more.  Conditions for “short contact” exposure will cover a routine cleaning cycle, on the order of minutes or hours.  You’ll notice that essentially no difference exists in our ratings between these two time frames.  

Again, these guidance and references (i.e. the compatibility table) we can provide, is a great starting point.  It allows you to verify in your own setup, application, conditions and instruments, as these will vary widely in our customers’ end uses in CIP cleaning and manual cleaning.

Please contact us to request a compatibility table .  We are always happy to discuss further or provide guidance on materials/substrates that are not covered.

To request an Alconox, Inc. detergent for free, please complete the questionnaire at Get Sample. For more information about any one of our Alconox, Inc. detergents, consult the technical bulletin for each product. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s Safety Data Sheets.

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