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Detonox and Keylajet
Published: April 27, 2021

Q: Most of our colleagues in cannabis and CBD processing discuss use of Alconox detergents, specifically Detonox and Keylajet cleaners, and how effective they are. Can you summarize the differences between Detonox and Keylajet ?

A: Great question. Detonox and Keylajet are both effective cleaners of the tough residues found throughout the cannabis industry, but they are indeed different.

Keylajet detergent, being low-foaming, is more designed for automated, washer type applications. It can be used manually for very challenging applications, but it is high alkaline, and PPE is necessary. It is less alkaline than many at-home caustic drain and oven cleaners, but at pH 13, care is a must. Especially for any manual applications.

Detonox detergent is foaming and more ideal for manual applications- soaking, scrubbing, sonication. Gloves are still recommended and a good idea, but it is a far more “friendly” pH 10.5.

Both detergents are recommended at 3-5% (30–50 mL/L or 4–6 oz/gal) concentration for the more difficult residues found in cannabis, CBD, and other botanical extracts.  As always, for light residues, we recommend 1-2% (10-20 mL/L or 1.25 – 2.50 oz/gal).

For US based customers, they are listed as Class I medical devices and can be use in food contact surfaces with a potable rinse. For Canadian customers, both products are listed as accepted by Health Canada.  Contact us for further information.

There are alternatives to both of these detergents including powdered, phosphate-free, and for residential style cup-in-door washers (as opposed to larger liquid dispensing washers which a Keylajet cleaner is designed for).

You can also review further details and use on any of these detergents in our Cannabis TechBrief.

To request these or any Alconox Inc. detergents for free, please complete the questionnaire at Get Sample. For more information about any one of our Alconox Inc. detergents, consult the technical bulletin for each product. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s  Safety Data Sheets.

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