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Alconox detergents
Published: September 17, 2019

Q. What is the shelf life of Liquinox concentrate after it has been opened?

A. Liquinox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent conforms to its 2 years from date of manufacture shelf life as long as the bottle is kept closed in between use. Incidental opening and closing of the bottle to pour out liquid for use, and the resulting increased head space air in the bottle, container, drum, etc. will not harm the shelf life of Liquinox detergent

The main mechanisms of degradation are not related to air concentration above the Liquinox product as long as there is not continual exchange of air in a completely open bottle such that continual evaporation is occurring.

This principle of periodically opened and tightly closed, while properly storing,  apply to our other powdered and liquid concentrate Alconox Inc. detergents.  Proper storage, in addition to tightly closing, includes other practical measures such as storage in dry, controlled temperature environments.

Note that shelf life studies determined that the functionality of the Alcotabs® Tablet Pipet Detergent is consistent for a period of 3 years under the above conditions.

To request an Alconox Inc. detergent for free, please complete the questionnaire at Get Sample. For more information about any one of our Alconox, Inc. detergents, consult the technical bulletin for each product. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s  Safety Data Sheets.

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