
Generic filters

Comparing powder and liquid detergents

Q. We frequently use 55-gal drums of Liquinox to remediate gasoline contaminated soil and groundwater. We are not cleaning lab glassware. We inject it into the groundwater at hazardous waste sites to solubilize the globules of gasoline or other contaminants trapped in the porous spaces of the soil. I would like to know if it is cheaper to buy the powdered Alconox and dissolve it? Is there an equivalent unit of measure to evaluate the two?

Read the answer.

High Vacuum Silicon Removal from Titanium

Q. I have two questions. 1) How does Titanium react with Alconox®? And 2) How does Liquinox® clean Silicon Oils? If possible, I would like to have one type of cleaning solution. If not possible, then we will us what is necessary. We clean 304 STL, OFHC Copper, Alumina Ceramic, & Titanium. All will be cleaned for ultra high vacuum service like the rest of our parts.

Meeting ICH Requirements

The objective of ICH is to increase international harmonisation of technical requirements to ensure that safe, effective, and high quality medicines are developed and registered in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

Cleaning Rubber Casting Molds

Read recommendations for cleaning rubber casting molds for optimal results. Applies when removing Nitrile rubber, EPDM and other kinds of rubbers.


How to: Get Liquinox Pump Dispenser

Alconox will supply a Liquinox pump dispenser that meters out 1 ounce of liquid detergent at a time. Request yours.


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