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Stripping Silicone Coating

Q. I need to strip a silicon coating from a small coaxial cable. We currently use a heated ultrasonic cleaner with about 1.5 gallon reservoir with Dynasol as the solvent. We need an explosion proof heated ultrasonic cleaner or a recommendation.
A. If you want to avoid having to use an explosion proof ultrasonic with a solvent like Dynasol, I recommend you use . . .

Cleaning Autoanalyzer with PMMA UV cuvette

Q. Recommend a cleaner for autoanalyzer with PMMA UV cuvette. Recommendation needs to avoid latex reagent buildup experienced using Triton x-100 cleaning. A. I recommend you evaluate the use of a 1% Liquinox detergent followed by a thorough rinse. Liquinox has been used in a wide variety of auto analyzers for many decades.

Developing Sustainable Cleaning Processes

We applaud you for looking to employ sustainable, safe, clean, and reduced waste cleaning processes. The first step in evaluating the environmental health and safety of an aqueous cleaner is to secure the material safety data sheet and technical bulletins for the cleaners you plan to test or use, and to assemble as much information as you can about the soils you will be removing. A review of this information should disclose important environmental and health hazards as well as regulations.

Rust Free Cleaning of Component Leads & Boards

Q. Our current cleaning process has a tendency to leave spots on board and component leads. Analysis of the white spots shows oxides of tin and lead; rust-colored spots show iron oxide. FTIR analysis shows no organic content, so it’s not soap, flux, etc. I have recommended that the production people use appropriate Alconox Inc. cleaner or possibly DI water only for a very short cleaning cycle, and that they dry the boards promptly in flowing warm air. Rust is coming from tinned steel component leads. C

Cleaning Photovoltaic Surfaces

Q. Which Alconox detergents can best clean glass or metal that has a photovoltaic surface? A. Thin film solar module manuf


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