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Removing Protein Residues from Aluminum: Avoiding Chelate Blush

Q: We have insect and proteinaceous residues we are looking to remove from an aluminum drum.  We know Tergazyme is the “go-to” for such things but we seem to get aluminum chelate blush.  Can you recommend something different?

A:  A chelate blush is a white crusty irregular deposit of aluminum edetate, a reaction between the aluminum and the chelating agent in some Alconox Inc. detergents. You are totally correct to try a protean enzymatic detergent.

Cleaning Clear Anodized Aluminum

Q. We are seeing white residue on clear anodized aluminum that we are cleaning with Detojet. Why is this happening and what can we do to prevent it?
A. There are a few reasons this may be happening. 

Possible Reason 1: The Detojet® Low Foaming Liquid Detergent concentration may be too low in the wash cycle and the concentration of calcium, magnesium and iron too high in the water used.  This would result…

Cleaning for Powder Coating

Q. Can Alconox assist with pre-powder coat cleaning?
A. Yes! To get the best powder coating results, you will need a residue free surface. The detergent you use will depend on the material being coated. The reduction in surface oxides greatly helps with adhesion. The surface is made more receptive to accepting the coating.

Degreasing Aluminum with Alconox, Inc. Cleaners

Cleaning aluminum that is unpassivated or freshly cut, abraded, polished, turned or drilled will require different procedures than aluminum that has been allowed to form a passive layer. Read more…

Aluminum Plate Cleaning

Cleaning Aluminum: Parts Change Color

Q. What temperature should we be running for aluminum parts so they don’t change color?
A. Aluminum changing color during cleaning is often due to galvanic reactions with other metals that may be present in the solution.
Learn More.


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