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How to Clean Labware: Removing Algae

Q. We are a large energy company working with algae.  It is proving tough to remove from glass and labware. We are using Liquinox detergent currently, which is good.  Anything better? Eventually we would like to move to cleaning these in our washer.

A. Algae, and the viscous oils that you are working with, require not just powerful emulsifiers….

Biopharma Cleaning: Hormone Residue

Q. How can I clean residual hormone residue from our process lines and tanks?
A. For manual cleaning we would highly recommend TergazymeⓇ Enzyme Active Powered Detergent. It contains protein enzymes that can effectively break down protein based hormones along with powerful emulsifiers.

cpap mask

CPAP Mask Manual Cleaning

Q. What do you recommend for cleaning of CPAP masks manually?  In the directions from the mask manufacturer we use at our facility it says to clean with ‘Alconox’ so I assume the powdered precision cleaner? A. Continuous positive airway…


Advanced Cleaning Mechanisms: What is a nonionic detergent?

Q. What is a nonionic detergent? How can a nonionic detergent like Alcojet have ionic sodium salts in it? What does it mean when a mil spec requires the use of a nonionic detergent? A. Surfactants are surface acti

Laboratory Cleaning: Alcojet Detergent not Dissolving in Washer

Q. Alcojet is not dispensing/dissolving in my lab washer. Do you know why this would happen? 

A. When this happens to customers, the most common cause is putting Alcojet into a wet dispenser cup. The caking effect is made worse if the Alcojet does not immediately dispense before running the washer. This causes the wet Alcojet to sit in the wet detergent dispenser cup, cake up solidly and form a cement. When the wash cycle finally pops the dispenser door, the detergent will not dissolve.  


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