
Generic filters

Cleaning for Cosmetics Manufacturing: No Interference in Flavors and Fragrance

Q. Why are critical cleaners essential in flavor and fragrance industries? A. Many major flavor and fragrance companies use Alconox or Liquinox detergent to soak, scrub or sonicate their manufacturing equipment. The reason they use these detergents is that they are free of all flavors, fragrances, dyes, cationic biocides or disinfectants, and emollients that might leave residues. This way…


Bleach with Detergents for Disinfection?

Q. What is the effect of adding bleach to Alconox Inc. products? We want to enhance our disinfection capability.

A. Some Alconox Inc. critical cleaners can be mixed with bleach (hypochlorite) for enhanced removal of bioorganic matter, bleaching or oxidizing properties, including: You can get some disinfection, but as we will explain, you need to clean a surface first before you disinfect.

Plastic Parts

How to: Clean Chromated Aluminum & Plastic Parts

Q. We are starting a new cleaning process and are looking for recommendations as to what cleaner(s) to use for cleaning plastics and chromated aluminum parts in a lab dishwasher. We currently use deionized water with no cleaner and are having problems.

A. Thanks for your question on how to clean chromated aluminum and plastic parts in a dishwasher. Assuming this is a residential style lab….

Cleaning Time

How to: Reduce Cleaning Time

Q. What can we do to reduce cleaning time?  We want to be as optimal and thorough in our cleaning as possible.  

A. At Alconox Inc we recognize that manual cleaning may take minutes, spray cleaning seconds, and soaking may take hours, possibly overnight, to achieve comparable cleanliness. Read more….

MgF2 window

How To Clean MgF2 windows for chrome plating?

Q: How do you clean MgF2 windows for chrome plating? We would also like to use in our cleanroom on different kinds of glass types and ceramics.

A: To prepare magnesium fluoride (MgF2) for adhesion of chrome or other plating, a very clean surface is needed.  Depending on what kinds of residues are expected, Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner and Liquinox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent are great options.  The choice of which detergent would be….


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