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Undissolved Washer Detergent Sign of Bad Seal?

Q: We are having issues with undissolved detergent that is persisting.  We make sure the compartment is dry before use.  Can we try a liquid?

A: It sounds like you have a cup in door washer for the powdered detergent.  The seals there are not designed to hold a liquid – of course some seals are better than others, but they are more for powders and gels (think home dishwasher gel at home).  

cold water cleaning

Specific Formulations for Cold Water Cleaning?

Q: I’m looking for detergents similar to Liquinox and Citranox, that are specially formulated for cold water cleaning conditions. Can you recommend analogs to the two?

A: For most residues, the detergency of an aqueous detergent is enhanced and hastened by heat. 

Bleach and Detojet?

Q: We have a washer that use both Detojet and a bleach cycle.   We would like to optimize.  Can we combine?  We have read the “Bleach with Detergents for Disinfection?” article. A: A key component of Detojet® Low Foaming Liquid Detergent is indeed sodium hypochlorite (per the SDS 2.5-10%). 

How to: Clean Carbomer

Q: We are having difficultly cleaning carbomer gel residue from our equipment.  What do you recommend?

A: Carbomer or polyacrylic acid is a thickening agent, used to stabilize and provide the base for many ointments, cremes and lotions.  As one might guess, it is a difficult residue.  In the presence of water it can thicken and become a gelatinous, sticky gel.  A goo.

Collagen Coating

Cleaning a Collagen Coating

Q: We are currently looking to remove a collagen coating from PET fabric and was wondering what we should use.  We have Alconox powder, will that work?

A:  To clean polyethylene terephthalate (PET) we generally want to stay away from alkaline and high alkaline detergents.  Mildly alkaline is expected to be ok (< 10 pH).  As with all compatibility matters....


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