Q: We are currently looking to remove a collagen coating from PET fabric and was wondering what we should use. We have Alconox powder, will that work?
A: To clean polyethylene terephthalate (PET) we generally want to stay away from alkaline and high alkaline detergents. Mildly alkaline is expected to be ok (< 10 pH). As with all compatibility matters....
Q: Does your company sell any solutions for residual isocyanates? We currently use Detonox detergent. How long can it last?
A: In the past we have recommended the very same powerfully emulsifying Detonox® Ultimate Precision Cleaner you are currently using with great results.
Q: Whenever the Detonox is left in a stainless steel sink, it forms a white substance at the bottom of the sink. We have tested the water with Detonox in a glass beaker and it does not form the same ‘Scum’.…
Q: We are starting a new bioprocessing facility where we will be cleaning stainless steel tanks via a Clean-In-Place sprayball system? How do I approximate how much detergent I will need? We are considering Alcojet or Solujet, follow by an acidic rinse with Citrajet. Is this a good plan? Any advice? A: A good rule of thumb for tis you need about….
Q. Why are critical cleaners essential in flavor and fragrance industries? A. Many major flavor and fragrance companies use Alconox or Liquinox detergent to soak, scrub or sonicate their manufacturing equipment. The reason they use these detergents is that they are free of all flavors, fragrances, dyes, cationic biocides or disinfectants, and emollients that might leave residues. This way…
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