Q. We manufacture metal parts in house and overmold (LIM) with silicone. We often have adhesion problems between the silicone and metal. We believe the problem is with our current cleaning process. I would like you to recommend a new cleaner that we can test.
A. If having silicone and metal adhesion issues in medical device cleaning, use the hottest practical temperature you can to remove silicone residues. I recommend you clean with very hot 2% Alconox (20 g/L of 2.5 oz/gal) detergent.
Q. What is the proper way to clean narrow neck flasks?
A. Narrow neck flasks are best cleaned in labware washers with special attachments that have a spray nozzle that goes up inside the flask. It is very hard to successfully clean narrow neck flasks in a simple home dishwasher or a lab washer that does not have special narrow neck flask racks.
Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners
Q. I conduct diamond evaluations for a gem company and need to be able to clean diamonds with minimal effort. A. I recommend using a 1% Alconox detergent solution in an ultrasonic tank to clean diamonds. For information see the Alconox Material Data Safety Sheets.
Q. Is there any way to restore a pail of Alconox to its original form after it has become solid like a rock? A. Regretfully, once solidified, the phosphates in Alconox detergent powder have been hydrolyzed by exposure to water or humidity and then have re-condensed and hydrated to form a phosphate cement.
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