Q. How can I clean residual hormone residue from our process lines and tanks?
A. For manual cleaning we would highly recommend TergazymeⓇ Enzyme Active Powered Detergent. It contains protein enzymes that can effectively break down protein based hormones along with powerful emulsifiers.
Q. What do you recommend for cleaning of CPAP masks manually? In the directions from the mask manufacturer we use at our facility it says to clean with ‘Alconox’ so I assume the powdered precision cleaner? A. Continuous positive airway…
Q: We have a washer that use both Detojet and a bleach cycle. We would like to optimize. Can we combine? We have read the “Bleach with Detergents for Disinfection?” article. A: A key component of Detojet® Low Foaming Liquid Detergent is indeed sodium hypochlorite (per the SDS 2.5-10%).
Q. Why are critical cleaners essential in flavor and fragrance industries? A. Many major flavor and fragrance companies use Alconox or Liquinox detergent to soak, scrub or sonicate their manufacturing equipment. The reason they use these detergents is that they are free of all flavors, fragrances, dyes, cationic biocides or disinfectants, and emollients that might leave residues. This way…
Q. What can we do to reduce cleaning time? We want to be as optimal and thorough in our cleaning as possible.
A. At Alconox Inc we recognize that manual cleaning may take minutes, spray cleaning seconds, and soaking may take hours, possibly overnight, to achieve comparable cleanliness. Read more….
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