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Cleaning Autoanalyzer with PMMA UV cuvette

Q. Recommend a cleaner for autoanalyzer with PMMA UV cuvette. Recommendation needs to avoid latex reagent buildup experienced using Triton x-100 cleaning. A. I recommend you evaluate the use of a 1% Liquinox detergent followed by a thorough rinse. Liquinox has been used in a wide variety of auto analyzers for many decades.

CAP residue detection

Q. To comply with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) laboratory accrediation inspection questionaire you need to check for detergent residues on your glassware to assure that good rinsing procedures are being used. A. To comply with the testing r

Determining Acceptable Residue Limits

Q. How do you determine acceptable residue limits when performing a cleaning validation?

A. All Alconox Inc. cleaners have an oral LD50 of greater than 500 mg/Kg acceptable residue limit. Alconox®, Liquinox® and Citranox® all have an oral LD50 of greater than 5 g/Kg. If you calculate 1/1000 of the LD50 as a potential residue in a dose …

Cleaning Fiber Optics

There is near zero tolerance of contamination in fiber optics. Fiber optic cable needs scrupulously clean surfaces at the glass joint to assure efficient light transmission. Any cleaner which leaves a residue will make matter worse as this will attract contaminants.
The best process for cleaning fiber optic cable is…..

Liquinox for Environmental Sampling Equipment

Q. Bailers used to detect phosphate in surface water sampling gave positive readings in equipment blanks from a poorly rinsed phosphate containing detergent A.The US EPA standard operating procedures for sampling equipment cleaning say use “…a phosphate free laboratory grade detergent such as Liqui-nox…”


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