There are millions of homes, schools, day care centers and other buildings containing lead-based paint and other sources of lead-contaminated dust (LCD). Ledizolv® Lead Specific Detergent is scientifically formulated for use in the clean-up and control of LCD hazards. From Alconox Inc., the critical cleaning experts….
Q. We are looking for a product to effectively remove silicone oil from a HDPE/ABS medical device. We currently use a combination of washing treatments to efficiently remove the silicone oil.
A. Remove silicone oil with ultrasonic cleaning with extremely hot (over 170 F or over 77C) 2% Alconox detergent solution followed by a thorough rinse with water. Ideally, make sure the first rinse is with extremely hot water. Typically 10-20 minutes in ultrasonics is adequate to remove the residue.
Q: We’ve switched from base and acid baths to a Citranox solution for cleaning glassware used to distill H2S from marine sediments using Cr2 , concentrated HCl, and AgNO3. It seems to do a good job on most of the apparatus but we still see grayish deposits on the glass frits. Any suggestions?
A: The detail is appreciated. Whenever there is a “mystery” residue, whether it be on glass frits or any hard surface….
Q: How would we best clean shampoo from our tanks and piping lines? We find it is building up and formation of difficult to remove films and masses.
A: While detergents/soaps like those found in shampoos are of course water soluble, the emollients, fragrances, and other components meant to be left behind (in your hair) can be quite a challenge to remove form equipment. Especially as it builds over time.
Q. We need to clean 3D printed plastic parts made of methacrylate. We need to make sure it’s safe for the plastic, but also ensures all crevices are residue free for critically clean parts.
A. Particulates and other residue, including environmental residues, can be effectively cleaned using a….
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