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Detergent Compatibility Information

Q. We have consulted your continuous exposure compatibility information for one of your detergents on various materials. We were wondering about the details of conditions used in formulating this documented info, such as temperature, detergent concentration and period of time in which these observations were made.

A. It is important to keep in mind that these documents are created for guidance and reference purposes and are based on our vast critical cleaning experience in laboratory and manufacturing settings.

Monitoring Stability of Alconox Solution

Q: Is a 1% Alconox solution stable in tap water? How long can 1% Alconox be stored as solution? Is pH measurement the best estimate of stability?. A: lconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner,  is stable in tap water (or any purity water- within reason) for….

Pre-soak for Tough Residues in Medical Device Cleaning & Reprocessing

Q. We reprocess single use medical devices and we are having trouble getting organic and biological residue out of crevices. It is requiring cleaning for a much longer time than we can support in our processes. We’ve started to do pre-soaking as we read that this would help, but we’re a little concerned we are not doing that optimally either. Can you make recommendations?

Cleaning Vape Cartridge Manufacturing Equipment

We are manufacturing vape cartridges and are removing residues of viscous resins, essential oils, glycerin and flavor enhancers with a CIP system. Some of these are botanical heavy resins and waxy. Can Alconox, Inc. help? Learn more…

Medical Device Cleaning and Biocompatibility Data

Q. What types of biocompatibility data does Alconox Inc. provide for detergents commonly used in medical device cleaning validation?
A. Setting residue acceptance limits as part of your medical device cleaning validation is much easier when appropriate biocompatibility data is available about the critical cleaning detergent you are using. To help assess the biological effects of cleaner residues, Alconox Inc. conducted extensive evaluations of biocompatibility of its Liquinox and Citranox detergents.


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