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Detergent 8 vs. Alconox

Q. What are some differences between using Alconox or using Detergent 8 to remove oily residues from stainless steel?
A. Detergent 8 is slightly better at removing oily organic residues, natural ester oils and rosins. However, Alconox is better on particulates and inorganic residues than Detergent 8. Alconox is also effective on …

Cleaning Aluminum after Chromate Chemical Conversion

Q. Can Liquinox be used to clean aluminum that has undergone a chemical conversion process with chromate?

A. Assuming that coating is 100%, i.e. no exposed aluminum, then cleaning with a 1% liquinox solution is acceptable. However, if the coating is not 100% and there are exposed areas of aluminum then it is best to proceed with our acid cleaner, Citranox. Read More.

Pharmaceutical Cleaning Validation

Pharmaceutical Cleaning: Metaxalene

Q. Which Alconox detergents would successfully clean Metaxalene?

A. Metaxalene contains amide, ester and ether groups. The solubility is unknown. Alconox recommends using Liquinox or Citranox. For more information about Liquinox and Citranox, click to download each detergent’s technical bulletin and/or Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS). You can also request a free sample by completing the questionnaire at Get Sample.

Density of Alconox Detergent

Q. Do you have the density of the Alconox detergent?
A. Thanks for your request for Alconox density. Alconox is a hygroscopic dry blended powder with a density that varies with settling and humidity. The density of Alconox varies from 0.85 g/mL to 1.1 g/mL, with a typical density of 0.95 g/mL.
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Custom Detergent Formulations

Q. Does Alconox, Inc. make custom detergent formulations to solve special cleaning problems?

A. Yes, Alconox, Inc. will make custom formulations to solve special cleaning problems. Of course we always try to solve cleaning problems with off the shelf cleaners, but if there are special cleaning needs that cannot be met using regular Alconox brand cleaners, then where the size of business warrants manufacturing a new formulation, we will make custom detergents.

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