Q: I am contacting you to ask for more info regarding the stability of Tergazyme as we encountered a temperature deviation during shipment. The exposure temperature was 47C for about 3 hours.
A: Dry powdered Tergazyme® Enzyme-Active Powdered Detergent will be fine with a 3-hour excursion to….
In order to “kill off” any microbial residue, a cleaning and removal of inanimate and organic matter is a must. This would follow with the disinfecting, “kill” step if you will, with an EPA registered disinfectant. To prepare for removal of biofilms on stainless steel via a registered disinfectant, use a two-step process of Solujet alkaline cleaner followed by Citrajet acidic cleaner. Or consider our highly effective enzymatic detergent for use in manual applications including scrubbing, soaking, sonciation or low agitation cleaning in place.
Q. What can we do to reduce cleaning time? We want to be as optimal and thorough in our cleaning as possible.
A. At Alconox Inc we recognize that manual cleaning may take minutes, spray cleaning seconds, and soaking may take hours, possibly overnight, to achieve comparable cleanliness. Read more….
Q: We have an array of tough proteinaceous and oily residues. I am considering adding a non-ionic surfactant like Triton X-100 to a normally prepared solution of 1% Tergazyme, is there any data about whether or not that would damage the enzyme? Is it a way of improving Tergazyme?
Q: We are using Tergazyme to control biofilm residues. Works great. Can you think of any issues that might arise if we run a steam/pressure “kill cycle” after cleaning with the Tergazyme cycle is completed?
A: Tergazyme® Enzyme-Active Powdered Detergent is an excellent part of a biofilm control regimen. A thorough rinse will leave no residue left behind to speak of that might interact with your SIP kill cycle. After all,
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