Q. Can Nylon 6 be successfully cleaned with high alkaline cleaners? A.Can Nylon 6 medical devices be successfully cleaned with high alkaline cleaners?
A. Nylon 6 is generally labile to acids and oxidizing agents. Nylon 6 would be fine with an alkaline cleaner like Solujet. Read more about cleaning Nylon 6.
Q. How can I ship cleaners that are corrosive liquids by air?
A. The three corrosive liquid cleaners that need proper packaging for air shipment are: Detojet, Solujet, and Detergent 8.
Q. What is the viscosity of Detojet so a vendor can specify a flow meter for delivery application? Do you have any recommendations of methods of verification?
A. The viscosity of Detojet is similar to that of water. The viscosity of water depends on temperature. Read More . . .
Q: Our laboratory plans to purchase the Alcojet detergent, do we have to dilute the detergent before placing it in the dish washer or can we just place the powder in the dish washer? A. Alcojet is a lab detergent suitable for dishwasher use. There is typically a cup designed to hold powdered detergent, often with a door that stays closed during the prewash cycle and then pops open during the wash cycle. No cup for dosing? Read More . . .
Q. Is Detojet, Low-Foaming Liquid Detergent, compatible with ceramic aluminum oxide and polysulfone? A. Detojet solutions are compatible with aluminum oxide ceramics. There is need to be concerned about polysulfone.
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