Q. We are looking for a low concentration surfactant to improve DI water wetting to polycarbonate and stainless steel during an aerated flushing operation for removal of sub-micron surface particles. Our parts are cleaned before assembly – we need to improve a DI-water flushing operation that is meant to remove sub-micron sized surface particulate from inside an assembled gas path (tube). How can we improve wettability of DI water?
Q. I need to strip a silicon coating from a small coaxial cable. We currently use a heated ultrasonic cleaner with about 1.5 gallon reservoir with Dynasol as the solvent. We need an explosion proof heated ultrasonic cleaner or a recommendation.
A. If you want to avoid having to use an explosion proof ultrasonic with a solvent like Dynasol, I recommend you use . . .
Have a critical cleaning challenge? There’s an App for that!! Alconox, Inc. the critical cleaning experts, launches its first ever application to put your cleaning needs and detergent selection information right at your fingertips.
There is near zero tolerance of contamination in fiber optics. Fiber optic cable needs scrupulously clean surfaces at the glass joint to assure efficient light transmission. Any cleaner which leaves a residue will make matter worse as this will attract contaminants.
The best process for cleaning fiber optic cable is…..
Q. Our current cleaning process has a tendency to leave spots on board and component leads. Analysis of the white spots shows oxides of tin and lead; rust-colored spots show iron oxide. FTIR analysis shows no organic content, so it’s not soap, flux, etc. I have recommended that the production people use appropriate Alconox Inc. cleaner or possibly DI water only for a very short cleaning cycle, and that they dry the boards promptly in flowing warm air. Rust is coming from tinned steel component leads. C
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