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Cleaning Smocks in Fish Processing Plant

Q. I have a client that wants to clean smocks / aprons being worn in a fish processing plant. Do you have a product that can be used to remove blood / protein stains? A. You can use Tergazyme to remove blood stains from the smocks in this fish processing plant.

Food Safe Cleaners – Solujet

Q. Can Solujet be used to clean food contact services? A. Yes, Solujet is USDA authorized category A1 for use in food contact surface cleaning. Solujet is recommended for cleaning stainless steel, glass, PTFE® and ceramic surfaces.

New Fryer? Nope. Just Clean!

A Food service company in Missouri used Alconox for the first time to clean their kitchen’s deep fryer.
According to Janet, the shift manager, “The build up on our fryers was very bad as it had not been deep cleaned for about 2 years. We used Alconox and it was amazing. All the black buildup came off and the fryer looks new.”
Cleaning a fryer with Alconox is simple.


Alconox Inc. Cleaners listed by the NSF

Q. I need a cleaner that is suitable for cleaning food contact surfaces. A. The following cleaners are authorized for use as general purpose food contact surface cleaners followed by potable water rinse in USDA inspected food plants . . .

Remove Scale from Stainless Steel Ice Machine

Q. We have an Ice and Water machine that has lime and calcium build on stainless steel. Very hard to remove, would like to know how to clean and how often to clean.
A. We recommend Citranox and here’s the process we suggest for cleaning.


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