
Generic filters
Reverse osmosis system

How to: Tergazyme Enzyme Deactivation

Q: We have started using Tergazyme for our filter cleaning application and it is working great. What would you recommend for Tergazyme enzyme deactivation?

A: Realistically speaking the enzyme will get deactivated by

CIP detergent

How much CIP detergent needed?

Q: We are starting a new bioprocessing facility where we will be cleaning stainless steel tanks via a Clean-In-Place sprayball system? How do I approximate how much detergent I will need? We are considering Alcojet or Solujet, follow by an acidic rinse with Citrajet. Is this a good plan? Any advice? A: A good rule of thumb for tis you need about….

biotech centrifuge

Cleaning Guanidine Thiocyanate and Sodium Azide

Q: What do you recommend to clean guanidine thiocyanate and sodium azide from a centrifuge.  The centrifuge manufacturer requests a low foaming neutral cleaner. There may also be enzymatic residues.

A: To remove salts like guanidine thiocyanate and sodium azide, and other inorganics, we would normally recommend

Boston Convention Center

Join Us at BIOMEDevice Boston 2022

Visit Alconox Inc. at BIOMEDevice Boston, MA, September 28-29, 2022. Stop by booth #514 to receive our unique gifts, expert technical support for your critical cleaning applications, and detergent samples. Our critical cleaning detergents remove an array of soils while…

Liquinox vs. Citranox

Liquinox vs. Citranox

Q:  What is the difference between Liquinox vs. Citranox?  We are using Liquinox for many of our applications but are having trouble with stainless steel cleaning cannulas with a small ID.  Is Citranox the answer if the residue is inorganic?

A: Although Liquinox detergent is excellent at cleaning a host of residues, Citranox cleaner is indeed the better choice if we are fairly certain this is a largely inorganic residue.


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