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What is Critical Cleaning?

Q: What precisely is critical cleaning? How does it differ from “regular” cleaning? A: It refers to a very specific type of cleaning. It is where the cleaning itself impacts the value of the finished output from whatever residue/contaminant is being cleaned.

Are there any PFAS, PFOA, or PFOS in Alconox Inc. Critical Cleaners?

Q. Is there any PFOA or PFOS in any Alconox cleaner?
A. PFOA and PFOS are perfluoro-octanoic acid and perfluoro-octane sulfonate. None of the Alconox, Inc brand cleaners contains PFOA or PFOS ingredients.

Laboratory Cleaning – Go Green As You Clean

We’re an environmental lab and need a detergent that can remove organic and inorganic residue while also being as green as possible. We had heard Liquinox or Luminox might be good choices. Which would be better? Are there other recommendations as well?

Alconox Inc. EHS Policy Statement

Alconox Inc. understands that, as suppliers of chemical products, we have a responsibility to protect the health, and safety of our employees, customers and environment. In support of this, we are committed to conducting business in a safe and environmentally beneficial manner that promotes the health of our employees, customers, community and to high standards of Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) performance.

Eliminating potential for phosphates in rinse water

Q: I work in a lab in Ohio and there is a lot of talk now about phosphates causing algae bloom and the resulting microcystins in the drinking water. Does Alconox have phosphate-free detergents that are good cleaners?


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