Is Alconox and/or Liquinox an effective detergent for rinsing and removing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from non-porous surfaces (such as excavation equipment)? We have a great deal of experience with remediating PCBs with both powdered and liquid concentrate detergent options.
Q. I am doing environmental testing for ammonia levels and need to properly pre-clean all objects that will come into contact with our samples. We were thinking of using Liquinox. Is it ammonia free? Will it interfere with sample results?
Tergazyme is a phosphate containing enzymatic additive that can supplement your regular laundry detergent to enhance removal of pesticide and other compunds.
Q. Does tap water rinse as well as purified water? A. As far as detergency is concerned, tap water will rinse just as well as any purified water. Rinsing is a mass displacement mechanism and…
What cleaner can water labs that need to work in the ppb or ppt for heavy metals use? The key is both a proper, free-rinsing, critical cleaning detergent and proper rinsing/drying.
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