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Supply Chain Management

Q: We are a mid-sized medical device company and are looking at reviewing and optimizing our supply chain.  Our goal is to move towards a culture of risk mitigation of our raw materials.  As a consumer of your detergents, what is Alconox Inc. doing to ensure consistent supply chain?

A: Thank you for the question as it is both important, and certainly an area of deserved focus and scrutiny from regulatory bodies.  Ensuring a continuous supply of drug, medical device or laboratory products requires a dependable supply of raw materials….


How To: Remove Permanent Marker From Glassware

Q: Can Alconox Inc. recommend how to effectively remove stubborn permanent marker from glassware and other labware without solvents like alcohol?

A: As everyone who has worked in a lab and similar facilities knows, marking beakers, vessels, and other reusable labware is part of everyday life. As is reusing them. With a move away from hazardous solvents like acetone, as well as regulated and in-demand alcohol, cleaning them with aqueous detergents becomes very desirable. We’ve had the most success at removing permanent marker….

Standard Operating Procedures for Cleaning

Q. What are important items to include in standard operating procedures for cleaning? A.  A large part of successful cleaning relies on having a sound, reproducible procedure. In general, a good SOP should present a list of materials and people…

Clean Before Sterilization (Disinfection)

Did you know? If It’s Not Clean, You Can’t Sterilize.

Why must instruments be cleaned before being sterilized? According to the CDC, “Cleaning should precede all disinfection and sterilization processes.Cleaning involves the removal of debris (organic or inorganic) from an instrument or device. If visible debris is not removed, it will interfere with microbial inactivation and can compromise the disinfection or sterilization process.”


Cleaning Coveralls and Other Potentially Contaminated PPE

Q: Can we use the Alconox Inc. detergents for washing to clean and disinfect coveralls for re-use?  We have Alconox powder in stock.

A:  Yes!  I would use the word clean or sanitize as opposed to disinfect.  That is what aqueous detergents do. See these important links….


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