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Manual Amikacin Sulphate Residue Removal

Q. Which Alconox cleaners can manually remove Amikacin Sulphate? A. Amikacin Sulphate is soluble to 1.85X10E5 mg/L, contains amine functional groups and glycoside linkages therefore it is best cleaned by acid. Citranox would be the first choice for this pharmaceutical cleaning.

Replacing Dove with ACDF Detergent

Q. Our customer wants to replace Dove hand soap and requires ACDF (animal free derivative) if possible to clean stainless steel. Is Alconox ACDF?
A. All Alconox, Inc. cleaners are free of animal derived ingredients. In general, to replace Dove Hand Soap, I would recommend . . .

Removing Oil and Grease Spray Washer

Q. We need to remove oil and grease and use a spray in air parts washer A. Critical cleaning to remove oil and grease is possible with a spray washer. Click to learn what Alconox detergents are best for this process.

Removal of Blood and Body Fluid

Q. Which Alconox cleaner would be recommended for soak cleaning stainless steel instruments soiled by blood and body fluids? Click to read the answer.

TOC Analysis of Alcojet and Citrajet

Q. How much Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is in Alcojet and Citrajet? A. Click for details on Alcojet and Citrajet TOC analysis . . .


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