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A Solution For Using An Expired Detergent Solution

Q: Is there any damage that could be caused to our parts if they were washed in the Liquinox Solution after being expired for 5 days? Would reprocessing the products in Non Expired Solution be a safe resolution? A: As discussed here, Using Expired Detergent, the cleaning in expired Liquinox detergent….


Ledizolv – Lead Specific Detergent

There are millions of homes, schools, day care centers and other buildings containing lead-based paint and other sources of lead-contaminated dust (LCD). Ledizolv® Lead Specific Detergent is scientifically formulated for use in the clean-up and control of LCD hazards. From Alconox Inc., the critical cleaning experts….

Range Lead Exposure

Making an indoor gun range safe from lead dust is possible with proper air ventilation and proper cleaning procedures that focus on lead abatement. When it comes to lead dust, it’s important to never dry sweep or shovel bullet debris. Wet cleaning, with proper lead dust cleaner is also essential.


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