Q. Did you know there are nine different factors that determine successful cleaning? A. “BATHOCARD” a phrase coined by Alconox technical team.
Q. Are there ways to remove oxidation on stainless steel without acidic detergents? We are looking to simplify our process and avoid low pH. A. While citric acid based oxidation removal and passivation is our preferred method due to its safety profile, there are ways to remove oxidation from steel with alkaline detergents.
Visit Alconox, Inc. at FABTECH 2018, November 6-8, in Atlanta at the Georgia World Conference Center. Stop by booth #B4916 to receive our unique gifts, expert technical support for your critical cleaning applications and detergent samples.
Our critical cleaning detergents remove an array of soils while leaving no interfering residues in applications for precision manufacturing, medical device manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, photovoltaic manufacturing and more.
Q. How to clean mild tool steel tablet press punches and dies?
A. Mild tool steel, sometimes called S7, will flash rush during rinsing, particularly if you rinse with hot water. All the cleaners that have good chelating agents (all but Luminox and Detergent 8) can safely clean tool steel because the chelating agents tie up the iron oxide and do not let it auto-catalytically expand and form rust.
How do we go about reducing foam suds in our 1% Liquinox ultrasonic bath? We have 3 ultrasonic tanks in our series process. Bath 1 has the 1% solution. Bath 2 and 3 are a rinsing cascade system with RO water only. The foam is building up in tank 1 and then transfers to tank 2.
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