A non-free rinsing cleaner might contain fragrances that were designed to deposit and leave a fresh scent, or it might contain corrosion inhibitors that are designed to deposit and leave behind an anti-corrosion film.
Alconox, Inc, cleaners are free rinsing detergents and do not leave deposits on substrates after rinsing.
Q. Liquinox foams too much to use in the labware washer. We test for phosphate, so we need a phosphate free detergent. We need a cleaner that will clean off any testing residual on glass and plastic without leaving any interference.
A. Detergent choice for cleaning labware in an automated laboratory washer depends upon whether you use powered or liquid detergent. Click for details. For powdered detergent, use Tergajet phosphate-free low foaming powdered detergent, catalog number 2204 for the 4 lb box size. For a liquid detergent, use Solujet phosphate free low foaming liquid detergent, catalog number 2101 for the 1 gallon size.
Q: I work in a lab in Ohio and there is a lot of talk now about phosphates causing algae bloom and the resulting microcystins in the drinking water. Does Alconox have phosphate-free detergents that are good cleaners?
We are looking for a laboratory dishwasher detergent that does not contain perchlorates. One of our end users analyzes for trace levels of perchlorates, so we cannot have a detergent that has that type of impurities.
Q. I am now using Tergajet with 0.5% concentration. I prepare it with ambient water and after preparation, I left it for one week. I’m not sure, is this method is okay or not?
A. You are correct that the shelf life of diluted detergent solution life is something to be monitored. While the shelf life of Tergajet®
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