
Generic filters

Low and Non Volatile Organic Compound VOC Cleaners

Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners

Filter Cleaning Wine Residue

Q. What kind of cleaning can I expect from Tergazyme when cleaning filters with wine residues? A. We would expect Tergazyme to work very well on biofilms or microbial contamination from filters that had been repeatedly used to filter wine.

Cleaning Smocks in Fish Processing Plant

Q. I have a client that wants to clean smocks / aprons being worn in a fish processing plant. Do you have a product that can be used to remove blood / protein stains? A. You can use Tergazyme to remove blood stains from the smocks in this fish processing plant.

Max Concentration for Tergazyme

Q: When using Tergazyme® enzyme-active powdered detergent, the recommended concentration is 1%. Are there occasions when a greater concentration is used? If so, is there some kind of saturation point where a high concentration will be ineffective?
A: Tergazyme detergent has a solubility limit around 10% (w/w) in water depending on temperature.

What Detergent for Biochemistry Lab Cleaning?

Q. What cleaners are recommended for general biochemistry laboratory? A. We recommend different Alconox detergents depending on the lab cleaning being performed. Liquinox for soak cleaning & pipets, Tergazyme for tissue/blood…


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