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Cleaning Copper Optical Molds

Q. The ammonia-peroxide solution (also known as Standard Clean 1 or SC1) is a very effective cleaner on our nickel optical molds, but we cannot use that cleaner on our new copper optical molds. The SC1 solution is very corrosive to copper. So we would like to find another cleaner that we could use for both copper and nickel parts. We are mostly removing machining fluid and particulates. Our parts have a very tight spec on particulates. We need to have essentially no particulates greater than 10 um, and this is inspected with a microscope. Obviously, the ammonia-peroxide solution is moderately dangerous to work with, and disposal is expensive. We go through at least 55 gallons per month of the ammonia-peroxide solution, it is quite a hassle.

Cleaning Aluminum 6061-T6

Q. We have a new product to clean small precision parts of aluminum 6061-T6 which have been trough heat-treating (surface oxide) and afterwards machined (cutting fluids). What Alocnox product do you recommend?
A. For manual, soak and immersion cleaning of the aluminum, we recommend using a warm or hot 2% Citranox (2.5 oz/gal or 20 mL/L) mild, citric acid based detergent followed by …

Cleaning Laboratory Glassware by Soaking

Q. Some of our glassware was left soaking in Alconox or Alconox and then bleach for a long period of time. Is this okay? A. Laboratory glassware that is completely submerged in an Alconox® solution is generally ok even with extended soaking. However, if you leave the laboratory glassware partially submerged…

Removing Trace Metals, Inorganics & Organics without Acid?

Q. We are trying to reanalyze our cleaning procedure. Do you have a product that removes trace metals, inorganics and organics without an additional acid rinse? We sample waste water influent and effluent and collect in plastic containers. Please let me know what you would recommend.
A. Organic residues are typically effectively removed by alkaline cleaning. The most robust way to remove trace metals and inorganics is to use an acid rinse. However . . .

Cleaning Space Environment Simulation Chambers

Q. We are currently using Alconox® for cleaning of space environment simulation chambers. What do you recommend for a process to clean steel piping contaminated with DC-704 and Fryquel 550 and turbomolecular vacuum pump backing piping at JSC/NAS?

A. Alconox® detergent is the right choice, but vacuum pump grease is a very heavy difficult to remove residue. We recommend using very hot (170 deg F if possible) 2% Alconox® (20 g/L) followed by a very hot first rinse…


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